“Community is in Our Blood”

Introducing Layers, a story initiative from the American Red Cross on hope and healing within the Black community. Through a series of audio, print, and visual stories produced by a diverse team of artists across the country, we explore the transformative role of blood donation and the importance of greater representation of Black perspectives.

Note: This page is for internal collaborators only while the public page is being developed at redcrossblood.org/layers.


01. Series Trailer

Capturing the spirit of Layers


02. Podcast Limited Series

Sharing patient stories in their own words


03. Print & Digital Zine

Spreading the good news about donating blood


04. Publishing Tools [Coming in May]

Building engagement online and in communities


05. Next Steps

The activation phase for Layers will be coordinated between the creative team and the Red Cross. For example, advising will be provided for the podcast feed setup, if needed. Social media, zine distribution, and any targeted advertising would be overseen by the Red Cross.

Upon content approval, the publishing tools will be shared with a target launch of Layers in June.

For comments or inquires, please contact Tyler Jones here.

Thank you for the vision and support in bringing this special project to life.

“What if I told you that in you, I see the world?”

“What if I told you that in you, I see the world?”
