High Wire Distilling Co.

“Distillation is the ultimate form of preservation.” 

For Scott and Ann Marshall at High Wire Distilling Co. in South Carolina, every harvest tells a story. It’s their job to distill that story in each bottle they produce — from grain to glass.

Scott and Ann consider themselves radically traditional, focused on an agricultural approach to distilling. They are outsiders to the legacies of Kentucky and Tennessee, which has allowed them to look beyond to the history of maize itself. If corn makes up 75% of bourbon, why aren’t we taking a more serious look at smart, thoughtful growing practices and heirloom varietals? To them, the work starts when the seed of corn is planted, and each year brings a unique flavor profile to the finished product.

1504 collaborated with High Wire to raise awareness for this holistic approach, beginning with “A Spirit of Revival,” a story exploring the people and relationships that have crafted the award-winning Jimmy Red bourbon. It features farmers from St. Matthews, South Carolina, and renowned researcher Glenn Roberts from Anson Mills.


“A Spirit of Revival”


In conversation

As a community of farmers, researchers, and whiskey makers, we are really seeing the value in working hard to be sure these grains endure. That they’re passed on to the next generation. That we’re able to take this moment and this time and place and literally distill them, translated through us, in one sip.

— Ann Marshall, High Wire Distilling Co.

To Be Continued


Iron Mountain


Cerca, Trova